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主题:Why watch birds? 鸟类资源使用

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Why watch birds? 鸟类资源使用  发帖心情 Post By:2023/1/27 11:53:13 [只看该作者]

Why watch birds?

Birds engage our minds and senses, and connect us to nature and a broader community. They’re beautiful, distinct, and diverse. With Spark Birding, explore birdwatching through personal stories of discovery, articles, tips and online courses.


鸟类吸引我们的思想和感官,并将我们与自然和更广泛的社区联系起来。它们美丽、独特、多样。借助Spark Birding,通过个人发现故事、文章、提示和在线课程探索观鸟。

Tips, Articles, and Resources
to help you start birding

What attracts us to birds? We might be drawn through a curiosity about their behavior or visual appeal, or an interest in biology or conservation.


There are many reasons to explore birdwatching. It could be a desire to be outdoors more, to practice photography, to join a community, or a personal curiosity. Or a close friend or partner might be your impetus. Ideas to get you started:





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