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全球最早的鸟类保护组织在英国  发帖心情 Post By:2024/7/18 21:13:14 [只看该作者]

in 1868, Professor Alfred Newton addressed the British Association for the Advancement of Science on the "On the Zoological Aspect of the Game Laws".[1] In particular, he urged for protection of birds of prey and seabirds during the breeding season. The British Association appointed a committee to propose a close season. The committee consisted of Frank BucklandHenry Eeles DresserWilliam Bernhardt Tegetmeier and Henry Baker TristramJames Edmund Harting was later co-opted onto the committee.

Newton's speech cited the destruction of seabirds on the Isle of Wight and Flamborough Head. Wide publicity of his speech led to public condemnation of the residents of Bridlington. Rev. Henry Frederick Barnes-Lawrence of Bridlington Priory held a meeting of local clergy and naturalists and formed the Association for the Protection of Sea-Birds. Barnes-Lawrence's Association had the support of Francis Orpen MorrisWilliam Thomson, Archbishop of York, and local MP Christopher Sykes.

As with many animal welfare laws before 1900, the animals' safety was not the main reason for the act. Seabirds were useful to sailors to warn of land in bad weather. If a boat was in fog and the sailors could hear seabirds nearby then they would know that they were near land. If the population of seabirds declined then they would not have this early warning system

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詹姆斯·埃德蒙·哈廷后来被增选进了委员会。 牛顿的演讲引用了怀特岛和弗拉姆伯勒角海鸟的毁灭。他演讲的广泛宣传导致了布里德灵顿居民的公开谴责。




克里斯托弗·赛克斯(议员)、克莱先生和沃德·杰克逊先生代表保护海鸟协会介绍了该法。它被设计成在繁殖季节减少射击和收集卵的影响。[1]它对“不同种类的海雀、bonxie、Cornish chough、coulterneb、diver、eider duck、fulmar、gannet、grebe、guillemot、gull、kittiwake、loon、marrot、秋沙鸭、murre、牡蛎捕手、海燕、剃刀嘴、scout、seaw、海鹦鹉、海燕、shearwater、shelldrake、skua、smew、solan goose、tarrock、tern、tystey、willock”提供了有限的保护。
[此贴子已经被作者于2024/7/18 21:20:19编辑过]

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  发帖心情 Post By:2024/7/18 21:19:38 [只看该作者]

1869年海鸟保护法(32 & 33 Vict。c. 17)是联合王国的一项议会法案。这是那个国家保护野生鸟类的第一个法案

The Sea Birds Preservation Act 1869 (32 & 33 Vict. c. 17) was an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom. It was the first Act to protect wild birds in that country


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  发帖心情 Post By:2024/7/18 21:21:19 [只看该作者]

全世界第一个野生鸟类保护组织是英国的鸟类保护协会,它成立于 1870 年。

在 19 世纪,由于人们广泛使用火枪和捕鸟器等,导致鸟类数量急剧下降。1860 年,英国的一位律师阿尔弗雷德·罗素·华莱士开始倡导鸟类保护,他写了一封信给《泰晤士报》,呼吁人们停止猎杀野鸟,并建立一个鸟类保护协会。最终在 1870 年,英国成立了第一个鸟类保护协会,这标志着鸟类保护进入了一个新的阶段。

而国际鸟类保护联盟成立于 1922 年,也是全球鸟类保护的重要组织之一。它负责指定国际上应保护的鸟类并提出保护方法,提供一般鸟类的保护资料,并交流有关情报,还出版鸟类红皮书等。


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  发帖心情 Post By:2024/7/18 21:27:52 [只看该作者]

Administrative / Biographical History

The first half of the nineteenth century saw a remarkable explosion of interest in natural history. In order to promote collaboration between the many different organisations and societies in this field already operating in Yorkshire, a special meeting was held at Heckmondwike in September 1861. This established the West Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Union, the forerunner of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union.

During the 1860s the Victorian obsession with egg collecting and shooting wild animals, particularly birds, reached a peak. The slaughter of sea birds for 'sport' was widespread, but a noted spot was the area of high cliffs at Bempton and Flamborough between Bridlington and Scarborough on the Yorkshire coast. The mass destruction by sea-borne parties from Bridlington was graphically described by Charles Waterton in his Essays on Natural History (1838). There was also commercial exploitation of birds and their feathers for the millinery trade.

In 1868 Professor Alfred Newton, a founder of the British Ornithologists' Union , drew attention to this situation in his address to the British Association. This resulted in much publicity, and the levelling of blame on the people of Bridlington and its environs. This persuaded the Rev Henry Frederick Barnes-Lawrence (1823-1896), who was then vicar of the Priory Church of Bridlington, to call a meeting of local clergy and naturalists to consider ways of stopping the practice. He received strong support from another East Riding clergyman and nationally-known ornithologist, Rev Francis Orpen Morris (1810-1893), the vicar of Nunburnholme.

十九世纪上半叶,人们对博物学的兴趣显著增长。为了促进已经在约克郡运作的该领域的许多不同组织和学会之间的合作,1861年9月在Heckmondwike召开了一次特别会议。这建立了西骑马联合自然主义者联盟,约克郡自然主义者联盟的前身。 在19世纪60年代,维多利亚时代对收集鸟蛋和射杀野生动物,尤其是鸟类的痴迷达到了顶峰。为了“运动”而屠杀海鸟是很普遍的,但一个著名的地点是约克郡海岸的布里德灵顿和斯卡伯勒之间的本普顿和弗兰伯勒的高悬崖地区。查尔斯·沃特顿在他的《自然史随笔》(1838年)中生动地描述了从布里德灵顿出发的海上团体的大规模破坏。女帽贸易中也有对鸟类及其羽毛的商业开发。 1868年,英国鸟类学家联盟的创始人阿尔弗雷德·牛顿教授在他对英国协会的讲话中提请注意这种情况。这导致了大量的宣传,以及对布里德灵顿及其周边地区人民的指责。这说服了牧师亨利·弗雷德里克·巴恩斯-劳伦斯(1823-1896),他当时是布里德灵顿隐修会的牧师,召集当地的神职人员和博物学家开会,考虑停止这种做法的方法。他得到了另一位东骑术牧师和全国知名的鸟类学家,牧师弗朗西斯·奥尔本·莫里斯(1810-1893)的大力支持,他是农伯恩汉姆的牧师。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2024/7/18 21:29:17 [只看该作者]

The meeting led to the formation of the Association for the Protection of Sea-Birds, based in Bridlington. Leading members included Canon HB Tristram, Henry E Dresser and John Cordeaux. They quickly secured the support of some local landowners, the Archbishop of York, and several local Members of Parliament. One of these, Christopher Sykes MP, of Brantingham Thorpe, introduced a Bill into Parliament which had the support of many scientific organisations. In June 1869 this reached the Statute Book as the Sea Birds Preservation Act. This provided protection for 35 species by introducing a close season running annually from 1 April to 1 August. This major success was only partly offset by the fact that eggs were excluded from the legislation, indeed they were not covered until Protection of Birds Act of 1954.

After its early success the Association for the Protection of Sea-Birds was quickly wound up. Other protective Acts of Parliament followed, including the Wild Birds Protection Act of 1880. In 1889 a group of ladies in London formed the Society for the Protection of Birds (later the RSPB) to campaign against the plumage trade. The AGM of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union held in Scarborough on 14 November 1891 established what later became known as the Protection of Wild Birds' Eggs Committee, several members of which had previously been members of the Association for the Protection of Sea-Birds. The new Committee became the Protection of Birds Committee of the YNU in 1979.

This collection chiefly comprises letters sent to the Rev. HF Barnes-Lawrence in connection with the protection of sea birds between 1868 and 1874.

这次会议促成了总部设在布里德灵顿的海鸟保护协会的成立。主要成员包括佳能HB崔斯特瑞姆,鄂鹤年德莱赛和约翰科尔多。他们很快获得了一些当地地主、约克大主教和几位当地议员的支持。其中一位来自布兰廷汉姆索普的议员克里斯托弗·赛克斯向议会提交了一份法案,该法案得到了许多科学组织的支持。1869年6月,这成为了《海鸟保护法》的法典。通过引入每年4月1日至8月1日的禁渔期,这为35个物种提供了保护。这一重大成功只是部分地被蛋类被排除在立法之外的事实所抵消,事实上直到1954年的鸟类保护法案才包括蛋类。 保护海鸟协会在早期获得成功后,很快就解散了。议会的其他保护法案随之而来,包括1880年的野生鸟类保护法案。1889年,伦敦的一群女士成立了鸟类保护协会(后来的皇家鸟类保护协会)来反对羽毛贸易。1891年11月14日在斯卡伯勒举行的约克郡博物学家联盟年会成立了后来被称为野生鸟蛋保护委员会的组织,其中几个成员以前是海鸟保护协会的成员。这个新的委员会在1979年变成了YNU鸟类保护委员会。 这个收藏主要包括1868年至1874年间寄给HF Barnes-Lawrence牧师的关于保护海鸟的信件。

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