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主题:2017年CSR 4大发展趋势

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2017年CSR 4大发展趋势  发帖心情 Post By:2021/7/23 0:00:46 [只看该作者]


在过去的几年里,企业社会责任 (CSR) 受到消费者的极大关注,事实上,已经成为消费者的一大需求。在2016年的一项调查中,64%的CEO们都表示计划增加在CSR上面的投入。在今年,我们将继续看到这一趋势,同时可以预测,现在全球范围内的政治需求也促使了CSR的发展,从而令CSR影响到我们生活的方方面面。除了持续增加的投资之外,2017还有几个方面的趋势值得我们重视。


在2017年,一个最大的变化就是企业和更多的非赢利机构进行合作,共同推进CSR的发展。从商业的角度来看, 这非常符合逻辑:非赢利组织有其组织的愿景和价值观, 但是没有财政的支持,而企业有资金和人力,但是他们往往没有足够的心思和精力去做CSR工作,这将是一个双赢的局面。而且,随着商业和政治的界线变得越来越模糊,企业家们将对某些社会问题表示出极大的关注,并从企业的角度给出具体的解决方案。








如今,CSR不再是一个附属项目,而是企业形象塑造中的一个核心因素,也成为企业识别(Corporate Identity)的一个重要组成部分。CSR不再是企业要不要做的事情,而是作为企业的一个核心组成部分。

我们再举一个将CSR 作为企业核心组成部分的一个例子:TOMS Shoes公司。自创立之初,TOMS Shoes就创立了一种销售模式:每卖一双鞋子,就为有需要的贫困地区的孩子捐赠一双鞋子。这就是著名的one-for-one模式,这种模式对许多企业来说,都有参考和借鉴意义。

今年,我们看到更多的企业通过CSR,提升品牌在公众心目中的美好塑造,比如Lyft, Google, Amazon和Microsoft等公司与帮助难民的非赢利组织进行合作,为他们设立相应的基金,还帮助难民提供法律咨询等的支持。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2021/7/23 0:01:47 [只看该作者]





例如在2015年,苹果公司首席执行官Tim Cook曾说过:“苹果公司将在生产环节减少二氧化碳的排放,我们将在这方面做出表率。” 该商业巨头已经在其所有产品包装纸中使用可循环利用的材料。今年,苹果公司在福布斯100大可持续性发展企业排名中,位列第84位。 而去年,苹果公司还榜上无名。



根据一个调查,有62%的员工宁愿减少工资,也更愿意为具有社会责任感的企业工作。不止于此,千禧一代的员工,更想参与到企业的CSR活动中来。 因为千禧一代的员工,把他们公司的形象,作为自己个人品牌形象的一个延伸,并且更愿意参加到他们自己关注的社会问题当中去。在不久的将来,当他们在职场中成为更为资深的职场精英的时候,我们将会更加明显的看到这种自上而下的变革。


比如,成立于2012年的社创公司Love Your Melon, 最开始只是一个课堂上的项目。它要做的是把利润的一半捐赠给患有癌症的儿童,后来迅速的发展成为一个长期的项目,并成立了企业。在2017年,甚至更长远的时间,我们将会看到越来越多的企业和更多的千禧一代的员工参与到CSR活动中来。





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等级:无痕金牌志愿者讲师 帖子:2705 积分:118040 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2021/1/1 17:15:08
  发帖心情 Post By:2021/7/23 0:02:29 [只看该作者]

The Changing Climate of CSR in 2017

by 3p ContributorNita Kirby

As the world continues to push toward sustainability and environmental protection, corporations must strive to keep up. In the last few years, corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts have increased and mutated to cater to consumers’ increasing demands. In 2016, 64 percent of CEOs planned to increase their investments in CSR. In 2017, we can expect to see that trend continue.

We also anticipate that due to today’s political climate, CSR is beginning to change along with it and affect all aspects of our lives. In addition to increased investments and initiatives, a few more changes are beginning to take place.

1.Corporations teaming up with nonprofit partners

One of the biggest changes we can expect to see in 2017 is an increase in nonprofit organizations partnering with corporations. From a business standpoint, it makes perfect sense: Nonprofits have the cause, but not the financial and resource support. Corporations have the dollars and people, but they don’t always have the bandwidth to devote to a cause. It’s win-win.

Moreover, as the line between business and politics becomes ever more blurred, corporations are likely to take stances on certain issues.

Teaming up with a nonprofit that works for their preferred cause is an easy way to show what they stand for and the causes to which they are committed. In our own system, CyberGrants, a CSR and services company which processes nearly 40 percent of all corporate giving, saw sharp increases in donations to both the ACLU and IRC in the days following the administration’s executive order on immigration.

In a great example of playing to your strengths, delivery network company Roadie recently teamed up with Goodwill to provide free delivery and pick-up of donated items. Roadie will pick up any unwanted items from those wanting to donate — absolutely free — through the months of January and February. Goodwill benefits from extra donated items, and Roadie gets free press (along with doing good).

2. Increased branding via CSR

With or without CSR, company culture is becoming more important in the workplace. However, in 2017 company culture is likely to be more defined and influenced by CSR efforts.

A recent survey revealed 63 percent of workers prioritize sustainability when considering employment. That means employers will need to incorporate CSR into their branding, or risk losing qualified talent.

Rather than a side project, CSR efforts are becoming entwined with companies’ core identity. CSR won’t be something a company does anymore; it will be a part of who they are.

One of the most famous companies to make CSR a party of its identity is Toms shoes. Since the beginning, Toms has donated one pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair sold. And the company’s one-for-one model gave many companies the incentive to follow in its footsteps.

We see this happening already this year, with companies like Lyft, Google, Amazon and Microsoft stepping up donations to refugee-focused charities and building funds for legal battles over immigration edicts being distributed from the White House.

3. Moving to sustainable resources

According to the United Nations, if the global population reaches 9.6 billion by 2050, we would need almost three planets’ worth of resources to sustain our current lifestyle. As companies and consumers begin to realize the situation we are in, the pathway becomes clear.

In 2017 and beyond, companies must make the move toward sustainable resources. Already, virgin resources are becoming more costly and more difficult to obtain. If not from a desire to do good, in the near future we will begin to see companies making this change out of necessity.

In 2015 Apple CEO Tim Cook said the company was ready to “start leading the way toward reducing carbon emissions from manufacturing.” The tech giant is now working to source 100 percent of its paper packaging from renewable resources. And this year, it holds the 84th spot on Forbes’ 100 Most Sustainable Companies — after being absent from the list a year earlier.

4. Employees are getting more involved

The next change we see is coming from the rising percentage of millennials in the workforce. Already, 62 percent of them would take pay cuts to work for a company that’s socially responsible. But more than that, millennial employees want to be directly involved in their companies’ CSR efforts.

Millennials see their workplace as an extension of their personal brand, and therefore want it to reflect the causes they care about. As more of them begin to take senior positions in the workforce, we will start to see businesses change from the top down.

Indeed, some millennials are even creating their own companies that are devoted to giving back. The startup company Love Your Melon, founded in 2012, began as class project. Its mission is to give 50 percent of its profits to children with cancer, and it quickly led to long-term success. In 2017 and beyond, we can expect to see more companies and more millennials following their example.

While millennials are leading the charge, we’re seeing top executives leaving lucrative posts due to political activity by their employers. One Oracle employee famously left his job when Oracle’s CEO decided to become part of the new administration’s transition technology team.

One thing we know for certain is 2017 will continue to develop the CSR dialogue. The Internet, smartphones and social media are leading to an increasingly interconnected world. That means business, politics, personal lives and, yes, CSR initiatives are slowly melding into one entity.

While it may be tricky to navigate at first, the interconnectivity of the world means we can do more good and give more back than ever before.

* 本文由美汉施翻译,欢迎转载 *
